What will you do about the GAS prices?
A common theme people seem to be talking about is how gas prices are going to be rising as we get closer to Summer. Why can’t we all just get excited about the positives traits that come with Summer rather than the negative ones. Save yourself...
Make the Time!
Many people have difficulty getting to a gym, walking, running or working out at home in the morning or evening due to child, family or work obligations. These reasons are certainly legitimate. But you won't do yourself or your family any favors by caring for...
Chest Stretch
If there is 1 common muscle that almost everyone needs to stretch it's our chest. With a tight chest (pectoralis) comes bad posture. Here are a few tips to allow you to add a chest stretch into your everyday routine. Instructions Preparation Stand at end of...
How Long Should I Hold my Stretch for?
Increasing flexibility through stretching is one of the basic tenets of physical fitness. It is common to stretch before and after exercise in order to reduce injury and increase performance, yet there seems to be a grey area in how long to hold a stretch...
The Power of Results
Have you reached your weight lose goals, increased the distance you are able to run or added weight on some exercises you are doing? Well these are just a few common goals that many people all work hard to strive for ...
If you Stress your body you need to Rest your body
We all have been told how important it is to stay consistent with your fitness to see results. Well it is also equally as important to give your body the rest it needs to recover from your workouts. The amount of time needed is...
My Motivation …
“If you don’t take care of your body, your body won’t take care of you” -Kaalun Chatham It’s amazing the impact words can have on you even if you don’t realise it at the time. This quote has stuck with me for almost 10 years...
Drink Enough Water
Your body is made up of over 70 percent water and you must have a constant supply available. You’ve probably heard it said many times that you should drink approximately 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Most people don't even get close to that....
What’s Your Whip?
We all know that to keep your motivation going strong, we need something driving us forward. Is it enthusiasm and confidence that comes with your personal trainer or is it your music? What keeps you going each workout? Share what works with you and perhaps...
Training or Running Shoes?
These days, the process of buying shoes usually comes down to style and comfort, both important in their own way. We are not going to suggest a certain brand or even model to purchase because in the end, that decision is yours. We simply want...