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Eating for energy: Fuel for your workouts

Foods That Fuel Your Workouts

Eating for Energy Food gives you energy, but not all foods are created equal. If you're working out, you need to give your body the right fuel to not just get through the workout, but to optimize your energy levels, support your fitness goals, and promote...


How Physical Activity Affects Mental Health

The Connection Between Physical Fitness and Mental Health Everyone knows that exercising is good for your physical health. However, there are also other benefits. For instance, did you know that physical fitness affects mental health as well? It's true! Physical fitness is not only good for...


The Incredible Importance of Sleep

Understanding the Importance of Sleep You know that you need to sleep. But did you know how absolutely vital it is? The importance of sleep cannot be understated. However, so many people are sleep deprived. Are you? There's a good chance you are. Many adults don't get...


Spring Training Isn’t Just for Baseball

Spring Training For All! When you first hear the phrase "spring training", you might immediately think of baseball and with good reason. But did you know that this concept applies to everyone else as well? In baseball, spring training is a time for players to get back...


Easy Nutrition Tips to Follow

Good Nutrition Doesn't Have to Be Hard! We're all busy, so it can often feel too time-consuming or challenging to eat a healthy diet. It's common for people to think that good nutrition is something that's complex, difficult, or costly. That's not true! Getting enough vitamins,...

Beat the winter blues

How to Beat the Winter Blues

Beating the Winter Blues For many people, January and February result in the winter blues. In most areas, it's colder, there's less sunlight, and the start of the year often means busier schedules as well. All of that combined can leave people feeling down in the...


The Importance of Recovery Days

Why Rest and Recovery is So Important When you're working out regularly, rest and recovery days can feel like a step back. If you're focused on achieving your goals, you may think that more is always better and that you need to keep going, going, going....

Meal Prep Tips to Help You Eat Healthy

There are many benefits to cooking at home. The meals you make are healthier, you'll consume less sodium, calories, and preservatives, and you'll save some money too. Unfortunately, a lot of people eat at restaurants or take out places because it saves time and it's...

How to Sleep Better This Winter

It might seem like getting a good sleep in the winter should be easy. It's dark and cold and snuggling up under a blanket and going to sleep should be easy, right? However, in reality, a lot of people can have trouble sleeping during the...

Easing Holiday Stress and Anxiety

The holiday season is a time for love, caring, and relaxation, but it can also be a very stressful time. Between worrying about gifts, watching your budget, and stressing about social functions and family gatherings, this can be a difficult time of year. Here are...

Tips to Help You Have a Happy and Healthy Fall

Halloween is over, but we're not quite into winter yet. It's still fall for a while longer. Here are some tips that will help you have a happy and healthy fall season. Get Outside The weather may be getting colder, and there might be less daylight right...