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Tips to Help You Have a Happy and Healthy Fall

Tips to Help You Have a Happy and Healthy Fall

Healthy Fall Tips

Halloween is over, but we’re not quite into winter yet. It’s still fall for a while longer. Here are some tips that will help you have a happy and healthy fall season.

Get Outside

The weather may be getting colder, and there might be less daylight right now, but that doesn’t mean you need to hibernate inside until spring. Fall is a great time to get outside and exercise. It isn’t cold enough that you’ll freeze as soon as you step out the door, and it isn’t too hot either, so you’ll be comfortable. Wear several layers and get out there. The fall colours and scenery are incredible, so why not take in some picturesque views while you get a workout?

If possible, try to go outside in the daylight, even if it’s just for a short walk. Spending time outdoors in the sun will improve your mood and boost your vitamin D levels as well. This is especially important now that the it gets darker earlier.

Stay Hydrated

It’s easy to forget about staying hydrated during the fall. In the summer, when it’s very warm, you’ll probably drink more water naturally to beat the heat. However, getting enough water is important at all times of the year. To help stay hydrated, get a reusable water bottle, fill it up, and carry it with you.

Eat In Season

Avoid the temptation to move from a diet of Halloween candy to a diet of holiday treats. While you can certainly have some of these things, you’ll want to make sure that you eat enough healthy foods as well. The good news is that there are a bunch of tasty fruits and vegetables in season during the fall. Apples, squashes, cranberries, carrots, cabbage, sweet potatoes, and several other types of produce are in season at this time of year. Not only are these foods high in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, but they taste great too!

Plus, eating in-season produce tends to be more affordable as you won’t need to pay for imported foods.

Boost your Immunity

Unfortunately, fall and winter means cold and flu season. The best way to protect yourself from the flu is by getting the flu shot.

You can also boost your immune system by getting enough sleep, limiting your sugar intake, and following the other healthy tips in this article! Have a great fall!

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