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Author: pguinea

How to Sleep Better This Winter

It might seem like getting a good sleep in the winter should be easy. It's dark and cold and snuggling up under a blanket and going to sleep should be easy, right? However, in reality, a lot of people can have trouble sleeping during the...

Easing Holiday Stress and Anxiety

The holiday season is a time for love, caring, and relaxation, but it can also be a very stressful time. Between worrying about gifts, watching your budget, and stressing about social functions and family gatherings, this can be a difficult time of year. Here are...

Five Ways to Have a Healthier Halloween

Are you ready for Halloween? Here are some tips for healthier celebrating. Offer Other Treats Halloween is known as a time to collect and consume a bunch of candy, but that doesn't have to be the only thing you eat on this day. If you're having a...

Healthy Ways to Enjoy Pumpkin Spice

Fall is here and that means a lot of things, including fall foods. For many people, it also means pumpkin spice! However, while pumpkin itself has several health benefits, that doesn't mean you should start chugging pumpkin spice lattes without considering the health implications. Depending...