How fast do you eat?
More people than not tend to eat very fast. I typically finished eating my meal within 5 minutes. I don't even think about it most of the time but it seems I subconsciously want that next bite before I am done chewing what I have...
One of the Most Neglected Aspects of Training
This is one aspect of a fitness program that everyone seems to "forget" or really, leave out. Either an individual simply doesn't allow for the time it takes, or more often than not, doesn't see the importance of it. It is very important and can...
Heart Rate Monitors
Target heart rate training is a very important component to getting the maximum results wanted in your cardio program. There are a few different techniques to monitoring your intensity, from quick pulse checks to the use of heart rate monitors. A quick pulse check is a...
Don’t Let Unhealthy Temptations Bring You Down
The daily struggle with the temptation of snacks is something we all experience. Some people crave salty, crispy snacks; others, sweet sugary treats. Whatever the flavor or texture, it's a challenge that we all have in common. Let's face it, temptation and having strong will power...
Scaling results without the Scale
How do you know you are on your way to achieving your fitness goals? Did you take pictures of yourself to see if you are getting more toned? Did your personal trainer put you threw some test to see if you are getting stronger? Or...
The Fitness Myth about Women “Bulking Up”
A common fitness goal for women when asked is pretty much always the same. "I want to lose weight and tone up. I don't want to lift heavy or too much because I don't want to bulk up". Well, let’s see if we can break...
Sometimes the Scale Lies! Fat Loss Versus Weight loss
This is a common mental hurdle for so many people. Everyone wants to weigh a specific amount and it often becomes a motivational killer when the scale gets involved. One great piece of advice for anyone working out, get rid of your scale. If your primary...
Injury or SUCCESS?
Proper posture during a workout can make the difference between injury or success. It’s amazing how many people think they can copy an exercise from in the gym one day. Chances are the exercise has been attempted wrong, or at the very minimum, they were...
Posture Perfect?
It’s amazing how many task's our body accomplish without us even knowing it happened at all. The body is truly an amazing machine, but if we don’t do the little things to take care of it, eventually this fine tuned machine will break down. FACTS: Posture...
Laughing Lowers blood Pressure
A few weeks ago it was made aware that napping can lower blood pressure, now comes a report that laughing can drop it seven points. I must say that both of those options are a lot better than having to take over the counter medications....