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March 2011

Drink Enough Water

Your body is made up of over 70 percent water and you must have a constant supply available. You’ve probably heard it said many times that you should drink approximately 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Most people don't even get close to that....

What’s Your Whip?

We all know that to keep your motivation going strong, we need something driving us forward. Is it enthusiasm and confidence that comes with your personal trainer or is it your music?  What keeps you going each workout?  Share what works with you and perhaps...

Scaling results without the scale

How do you know you are on your way to achieving your fitness goals? Did you take pictures of yourself buy cheap to see if you are getting more toned? Did your personal trainer run you through a battery of tests to see if you...


As stated last time, we let you know how important it was to incorporate balance into your workout. As promised, here are some ideas using balance as a part of your warm up and how to apply it to an exercise you are currently doing. BOSU’s are...