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April 2011

Injury or SUCCESS?

Proper posture during a workout can make the difference between injury or success. It’s amazing how many people think they can copy an exercise from in the gym one day.  Chances are the exercise has been attempted wrong, or at the very minimum, they were...

Posture Perfect?

It’s amazing how many task's our body accomplish without us even knowing it happened at all. The body is truly an amazing machine, but if we don’t do the little things to take care of it, eventually this fine tuned machine will break down. FACTS: Posture...

Make the Time!

Many people have difficulty getting to a gym, walking, running or working out at home in the morning or evening due to child, family or work obligations. These reasons are certainly legitimate. But you won't do yourself or your family any favors by caring for...

Chest Stretch

If there is 1 common muscle that almost everyone needs to stretch it's our chest. With a tight chest (pectoralis) comes bad posture. Here are a few tips to allow you to add a chest stretch into your everyday routine. Instructions Preparation Stand at end of...