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Finding Time for Fitness this Holiday Season

Finding Time for Fitness this Holiday Season

Holiday Season Exercise

Staying Healthy and Active During the Holidays

The holiday season is a busy time of year, so it’s only natural that many people look for ways to save time during this season. Unfortunately, for a lot of us, these cuts mean spending less time exercising and being healthy. While skipping a workout here and there, occasionally, isn’t generally a big deal, it certainly becomes an issue when you let your fitness slide for a significant period of time during the holidays.

Here are some tips for still remaining active and healthy, despite the busy holiday season.

Schedule It

At this time of year, having a schedule is important. There is likely so much going on that you’d be lost without your calendar. On that note, make sure to include workouts in your schedule. While you may not typically have to carve out a time in your schedule to be active, you might need to do so during the holidays. If you make sure to include exercise in your schedule, you’ll be much more likely to make time for it.

Make It Fun

The holiday season is about spending time with your friends and family. In that spirit, why not exercise with your loved ones as well? This doesn’t have to mean going to the gym together (though it certainly could). Instead, find fun ways to be active over the holidays. Play a game of football or hockey with your friends; go for a long winter walk with your family and check out the scenery; or go skiing, snowshoeing, or ice skating. All of these activities are great physical activity and they’re also fun ways to enjoy this time of year.

Break It Up

You might not have the time to get in a full workout every day during the holidays. That’s fine. Instead of having a 45-minute workout, for example, aim for three 15-minute workouts instead. By breaking up your exercises, you might find it easier to fit being active into your schedule.

Look For Ways to be Active

There are plenty of ways to remain active during the holidays, even if you don’t have the time to a workout each day. Walk instead of driving whenever possible. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a bit farther away at the mall or the office and go for a brisk walk to the door. Every little bit helps.

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