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Back to School Exercise Routines

Back to School Exercise Routines

It’s back to school time, and that means getting back into routines. However, this is also a busy time of year. When you’re rushing around trying to get everyone off to school and make it in time for various other social and extracurricular activities, it’s common to forget about exercising. However, exercise is key and a big part of living a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some tips for creating back to school exercise routines that work.

Schedule Workouts

Back to school time is full of appointments, events, practices, and other scheduled events. Make exercise another one of these events. Put it on your calendar just like you would add soccer practice or the school play. Consider this appointment just as important as any other. It’s an appointment with yourself to focus on health and wellness, so don’t skip it. Once you get into the habit of following a strict exercise schedule, you’ll find that you almost always have time to work out.

Wake Up Earlier

Yes, it’s a busy time of year and you might think you want the extra sleep in the morning, but waking up a bit earlier can be a great way to get in a quick workout before you’re overwhelmed with responsibilities for the day. Even if you set your alarm for just half an hour earlier, you’ll be able to have some “me time” and get about 20 minutes of exercise in each day. This gives you the time you need to go for a quick run or to do some some exercises and stretches in the living room before you start your day.

Not only is exercising in the morning a great way to fit exercise into a busy routine, but it’s also a good way to give yourself a boost of energy in the morning.

Exercise as a Family

Exercising as a family isn’t just a great way to get in shape, it’s also an excellent way to bond with your family members. For instance, why not go for a walk as a family after dinner? This can be a good time to catch up on the news of the day and just talk with one another while also being active. You can also schedule more intense activities, such as hikes, jogs, bike rides, or sports games such as football, basketball, etc.

Not only is it more fun to work out together, but you’ll also be setting a good example for the family by taking the lead and being active.

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