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Injury Rehabilitation Programs: The Basics

Injury Rehabilitation Programs: The Basics


If you’ve been injured, you know how difficult it can be to rehab your injury. You may not even know how to properly rehab your injury. Depending on the injury, there are a number of different things that you can do for rehabilitation. As always, you should make sure to follow the advice of your doctor and any other medical professionals who are advising you. Any advice provided here should not replace the advice you were given by a physician.

When you are rehabilitating after an injury, the goal is to strengthen the injured area and to improve flexibility. This will help you increase mobility, strength and range of motion, reduce pain and decrease the likelihood of re-injury.

Injury Rehabilitation Programs Are Unique

Each person will recover at a different rate and each injury is different. This is very important to keep in mind during the injury rehabilitation process.

Injury rehabilitation is often done through stretching and strength training. It can also involve massage or other types of physical manipulation. Massage is not recommended if you have a serious soft-tissue injury, such as a torn ligament.

It’s important to remember that most injuries require some time to heal before you can attempt injury rehabilitation. It’s also important to remember that you should not attempt to do too much too soon. Each person is different and will need to rehab differently.

Injury Rehabilitation Tips

You can start with gentle exercises that help improve your range of motion in the area. When you’re just starting out, it’s important not to push yourself too far. As movement becomes easier and the pain decreases, you can gradually begin to push yourself a bit more. At this point you can also begin additional stretching, strengthening and conditioning exercises.

A good plan is to start by frequently repeating a few simple exercises and then gradually increasing the number of repetitions that you complete. This will allow you to build up your strength and flexibility without causing additional pain or re-injuring yourself. You should also take care to not return to sports until you have no pain in the area and until full strength and flexibility have returned. Failing to wait until this point could lead to you re-injuring yourself.

You can work with a healthcare practitioner, personal trainer or both to determine exactly what rehabilitation process you should take for your specific injury.

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