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New Year’s Resolutions for your Health

New Year’s Resolutions for your Health


2016 is here and, for many people, that means New Year’s Resolutions. Around this time of year, a lot of people decide to improve their health. This is a good idea, but, unfortunately, it’s often tough to stick to new year’s resolutions. In fact, some studies show that 54% of people who make resolutions don’t stick with these goals for more than six months.

If you’ve decided to improve your health in 2016, here are a few suggestions for how you can do that and how you can actually stick with your resolution long-term.

Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

There are a number of good ways to improve your health in the new year. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Exercise more often
    • Regular exercise is crucial to a healthy lifestyle. In 2016, why not make specific goals related to exercising more frequently?
  • Lose weight
    • Many people resolve to lose weight as the new year begins. Maintaining a healthy body weight is a key to living a healthier lifestyle. However, weight loss must be done properly and responsibly in order to be safe and sustainable.
  • Eat healthier
    • Some people decide that they are going to “go on a diet” in the new year. However, a more positive goal is to decide to eat healthier. This will improve your overall health and ensure that you get the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs while also helping you manage your weight.

Sticking with New Year’s Resolutions

There are a few things that you can do to give yourself a better chance at success with a resolution, including:

  • Setting specific goals
    • This is a very important part of making a achievable new year’s resolution. Rather than saying “I want to lose weight this year” say “I want to lose 25 pounds and keep the weight off.” Say “I want to walk for 30 minutes more each day” instead of “I want to exercise more.” By setting a specific goal, you’ll be much more likely to see results.
  • Sharing your resolutions
    • Let a friend, family member or personal trainer know what your goals are for the year. Not only will letting someone know motivate you to actually accomplish your goal, but you may also find that this person will be willing to help you.
  • Don’t give up
    • If  you’re finding your resolution difficult to accomplish or if you’ve slipped up and ignored your goal for a while, it’s tempting to give up. However, just because you’re having trouble or you’ve made a mistake, it doesn’t mean you need to quit completely. Keep going!
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