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Five Fun Fall Fitness Tips


Five Fun Fall Fitness Tips

How to Stay Motivated & Enjoy Fall Fitness

Fall is a beautiful time of year. The leaves are changing colour and the sunsets are gorgeous, plus the weather is usually still warm enough that you can spend a lot of time outside. Those factors can make fall fitness very enjoyable. However, it’s also a busy time of year, with school starting and the holiday season around the corner. Plus, there’s less daylight during the fall so that can make it tough to find time to exercise. But don’t let that stop you!

Here are five tips that will help you stay motivated and enjoy your fall fitness routines.

  • Stay hydrated
    • It’s easy to remember to drink water during the hot summer. However, you need to stay hydrated year-round, especially when you’re exercising. When you’re working out this fall, make sure you drink water before, during, and after you exercise.
  • Exercise with friends
    • If it’s safe to do so, why not exercise with a friend? Instead of working out in a gym or in your basement, why not get outside and go for a jog, hike, or bike ride with a friend? The stunning fall colours can be the perfect backdrop to your workout and it’s a much healthier way to meet up with friends than sitting around.
  • Play sports
    • The fall is the perfect time to play some outdoor sports. Soccer, baseball, football, ball hockey, and many other sports are common during this time of year and a lot of fun too!
  • Go somewhere new
    • Take advantage of the outdoors before the cold and dark of winter arrive! Hit up a trail, park, nature area, beach, or anywhere else where you can enjoy nature and get a change of scenery. If you’re going to do fall fitness, do it right and enjoy yourself! Plus, mixing things up can help you stay motivated.
  • Get help with motivation
    • Are you having trouble staying motivated and sticking with a fall fitness routine? Exercising with a personal trainer can help! You can even try virtual training services.

By following these tips, you’ll have a great time exercising this fall and head into the winter feeling great. Enjoy!