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Back-to-School Health Tips for Parents & Students


Back-to-School Health Tips for Parents & Students

Five Back-to-School Health Tips

As the end of summer approaches, it’s time to start planning for the fall. For parents and students, that means back-to-school time. This time of year is a big change for many people, and often a very busy one, so it’s important to focus on your health during this time to make sure it doesn’t get overlooked.

Here are some back-to-school health tips that parents and children should pay attention to.

Make Healthy Meal Choices

Going back to school also means going back to packing lunches. When you do, think about some healthy options you can include. Try to add plenty of vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods, and avoid processed foods whenever possible.

It’s also important to remember breakfast, as children who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to be alert and able to focus when compared to children who don’t.

Stay Hydrated

It’s easy to remember to drink water when you’re running around in the summer sun, but children can forget when they’re at school. Make sure they have a water bottle that they can fill up at school and limit the number of sugary drinks they have. Water is a much healthier option.

Follow Good Hygiene Tips

Stay home if you are sick and sneeze or cough into a tissue or into your elbow when you do. Whenever you’ve eaten, used the washroom, blown your nose, coughed, or sneezed, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. This will help prevent the spread of germs.

Stay Active

If your summer was spent running around and playing sports, you likely kept yourself and your children active. However, it can be harder to get enough physical activity when you’re spending a lot of time sitting at a desk.

For this reason, it’s important to get exercise when you can. If it’s possible for your children to walk to and from school, this is a good option. Most experts recommend that children get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Try to get in this in by walking, running, or playing sports before or after school.

Remember Mental Health Too!

School can be a stressful time. Going back to school can cause anxiety and even fear. Create a supportive and caring environment where your children can talk about their feelings and experiences. This can really help.