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Spring Fitness Tips from Personal Trainers

Spring Fitness Tips from Personal Trainers

Yes, spring is almost here! After a long winter, we’re almost at a time where it’s possible to go outside and exercise. But how do you start? Chances are, the weather has kept you inside for many months and you may have fallen out of your old active routine. Don’t worry, you can get back!

What are the best ways to get in shape this spring? Here are a few great spring fitness tips from personal trainers that will help you.

Personal Trainers Provide Spring Fitness Tips

One of the best parts of spring is that it’s easier, more enjoyable and more comfortable to exercise outside. Take advantage of this opportunity. Not only can you move your runs from the treadmill to the park (for example) but you can also use the warmer weather as an excuse to be more active.

How? By walking more often to start. During the cold winter months, you may have driven to work, driven to the store and driven just about everywhere in an attempt to stay warm. Now that the weather is more pleasurable, try to walk to as many of these destinations as much as possible. You can also take advantage of the warm weather to bike more often as well. Cycling is a healthy way to stay in shape, a great way to get around and just plain fun.

Another great spring fitness tip is to check your footwear. You may want to get new running shoes, depending on how often you use them and how old they are. Personal trainers know the importance of good footwear. Go to a running store or another similar store and ask them for assistance on choosing your new running shoes.

When you’re getting ready for spring fitness, put together a plan and stick to it. Keeping records of what you eat and how often you exercise can keep you motivated and help you stick to your fitness goals.

Find a friend. In addition to working out with personal trainers, it’s also a good idea to find a friend to exercise with. This is one of the key spring fitness tips to keep in mind. Working out with a friend is more enjoyable than exercising alone and it helps keep you motivated as well. This is one of the reasons why personal trainers are so successful. They keep you going when you’d rather hit a patio than hit the gym.

What are your favourite spring fitness tips?

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